Session 4A

Session chair: To be assigned

Place: Albert Einstein Auditorium

From To Authors Paper Title Id
12:45 13:05 Grigori Sidorov, Ilia Markov, Olga Kolesnikova and Liliana Chanona Hernández Human interaction with shopping assistant robot in natural language 25
13:05 13:25  Iqra Ameer, Grigori Sidorov and Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab  Author Profiling for Age and Gender Using Combinations of Types of Features  26
13:35 13:55  Miguel Ángel Álvarez-Carmona, Esaú Villatoro-Tello, Manuel Montes-Y-Gómez and Luis Villaseñor-Pineda  A Comparative Analysis of Distributional Term Representations for Author Profiling in Social Media 60
13:55 14:15  Manuel Mager, Mónica Jasso Rosales, Özlem Çetinoğlu and Ivan Meza Low-resource Neural Character-based Noisy Text Normalization 58