

This topic is a modern discipline part of artificial intelligence aiming to design and develop expert sytems (or knowledge-based systems). It is supported by instructional methodologies, computer science and information technologies, attempting to represent human knowledge and human reasoning for particular domains inside of an artificial system.

Since a knowledge engineer is not an expert in the particular field to be modeled, as well as, the domain expert has not experience modeling his knowledge in a general computational system, the job of knowledge engineers is to extract human experts knowledge for a given area and codify such knowledge so that it can be be automatically processed by a computational system.

Knowledge engineering brings together scientists, technology and methodology in order to process human knowledge. The aims of this research topic is to extract, articulate and automate knowledge of a human expert. It is close related with mathematical logic, considering aspects of cognitive science and socio-cognitive engineering, where the knowledge is produced by socio-cognitive aggregates (mainly human beings) and structured according to our own knowledge about how reasoning and logic works in humanity. A recent area of research is meta-cognitive engineering, which evolves from a new formal systemic approach  for the development of a unified knowledge and intelligence theory.

Some particular case studies for knowledge engineering are the following ones:

  • Problem evaluation
  • Knowledge-base system development, maintenance, revision and evaluation
  • Information acquisition, information and knowledge structure and preferences
  • Implementation of structured knowledge in knowledge databases
  • Validation and verification of knowledge stored in databases
  • Knowledge representation

The research group Language Knowledge Engineering (LKE) is structured according to the interests of members. The following table indicates a summary of such interests:

Language Engineering
  1. Dr. David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño
  2. Dra. Darnes Vilariño Ayala
  3. Dra. Mireya Tovar Vidal
  4. Dra. Josefa Somodevilla García
 Knowledge Engineering
  1. Dr. Arturo Olvera López
  2. Dra. Claudia Zepeda Cortés
  3. Dr. José Luis Carballido Carranza
  4. Dr. Guillermo De Ita Luna
  5. Dr. Iván Olmos Pineda
 Human Computer Interaction
  1. Dr. Juan Manuel González Calleros
  2. Dra. Josefina Guerrero García
  3. Dr. David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño
  4. Dr. Manuel Martín Ortíz
  1. Dr. Sergio Vergara Limón
  2. Dra. Aurora Vargas Treviño
  3. Dr. David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño
  4. Dra. Darnes Vilariño Ayala